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Kitei Taigi - 110 seconds
Shomenuchi Kokyunage
When ki moves, enter straight behind uke
Raise both arms
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Yokomenuchi Shihonage
Step back in the direction of uke's ki
Enter passing closely in front of uke
Turn completely to the point where uke naturally falls
Munetsuki Koteoroshi (Katameru)
Lead ki without blocking it
Bring arm straight down, lead straight up and down
Place free hand over elbow, roll uke over and pin
Katatedori Tenkan Ikkyo
Extend ki from fingertips (curl fingers, not wrist)
Take ikkyo at the lowest point in the arc
Bring arm straight up and down, pin (place free hand lightly over elbow, other hand leads uke)
Katadori Nikyo (Irimi)
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing position of hand
Using an up and down rhythm, lead uke's hand to shoulder, while raising free hand fully and sending ki to apply nikyo
Leap behind uke leading tenkan and pin
Ushiro-tekubidori Sankyo (Katameru)
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing position of hand
Take sankyo when the hands reach the top
Bring uke's fingertips down, placing free hand on elbow, lead in the direction of ki and pin
Taigi #1 - Katatetori - 65 seconds
Kokyunage ("Onshi no gyoi" = "Holding the Emperor's Clothes")
Extend ki from fingertips
Bring arm down straight from the elbow
Bring arms up straight
Drop arms down straight and seishi (pause calmly) in sayuwaza from
Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Change direction of ki at the moment uke's ki comes (up and down motion)
Face in the direction of the lead
After kirikaeshi, drop straight down to throw
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Take a large hop forward (draw back foot to the front foot)
Nage must face the direction of the throw
Kokyunage (Kaitenage)
Change direction of ki at the moment uke's ki comes (up and down motion)
Place the free hand on uke's head as it goes down
Do not step through
Extend ki from fingertips
Take uke's hand without stopping his ki
Turn completely to the point where uke naturally falls
Extend ki from fingertips
Take ikkyo at the lowest point in the arc
Lead arm straight up and down (lead from the hand holding the wrist, hand on the elbow holds lightly)
Taigi #2 - Katatetori Ryotemochi - 71 seconds
Kokyunage (Tobikomi - leaping forward)
Extend ki from fingertips
Raise both arms
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Kokyunage (En undo)
Extend ki from fingertips
Point fingertips in the direction of the lead
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Kokyunage (Hachinoji - figure eight)
After doing tenkan, seishi
Leap in behind opponent completely, raise both arms
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Extend ki from fingertips
Bring arm straight up at the moment ki comes
Drop arm straight down to throw
Extend ki from fingertips
Bring fingertips up completely and bring them straight down
Leap behind uke, drop arms straight down, and pin
Extend ki from fingertips
Take hand at the lowest point in the arc
When pinning, one hand must seishi (pause calmly)
Taigi #3 - Yokomenuchi - 49 seconds
Kokyunage (Sudori)
Enter with shoulders parallel to uke's chest
Kokyunage (Bow)
Bow straight down
Koyunage Irimi
Enter straight forward and lead from shoulder
Step back in the direction of uke's ki
Enter passing closely in front of uke
Turn completely to the point where uke naturally falls
Kokyunage (Sudorinage)
Step back in the direction of ki
Strike uke's chin with one hand
Throw in the direction of ki
Kokyunage (Hachinoji - figure eight)
Step back in the direction of ki, both arms open and comfortably stretched
Leap straight behind uke with both arms up
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Taigi #4 - Ryokatatori - 60 seconds
Kokyunage (bow)
When uke's kii comes, bow without moving feet
Bring head down completely
Bring head up completely
Kokyunage (kirikaeshi - bow)
Move from one point
Bring head down completely
Bring head up completely
Kokyunage (bow twice)
Both arms naturally open when you are stepping back while extending ki forward
Bow twice straight (Bring head completely down and up with a "1-2" rhythm)
Bring head up completely
Line of visiion must be straight forward
Catch the moment of uke's ki movement, jump in towards uke's feet with the intention to scoop (opposite side of uke's front foot)
Look towards uke while standing up at the end of throw
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing position of hand
Using up and down rhythm, lead uke's hand to shoulder while raising free hand fully and sending ki to apply nikyo
Leap behind uke, lead with tenkan and pin
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Step back straight
Drop one of uke's arms with tegatana (edge of hand)
Nage must face the direction of the throw
Taigi #5 - "Children's Arts" - 77 seconds
Shomenuchi Kokyunage
When ki moves, enter straight behind opponent
Raise both arms
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Yokomenuchi Shihonage
Step back in the direction of uke's ki
Enter passing closely in front of uke
Turn completely to the point where uke naturally falls
Munetsuki Koteoroshi (Katameru)
Lead uke's ki without blocking it
Bring arms straight down, leading straight up and down
Place free had over elbow, roll uke over and pin
Katatori Ikkyo (Irimi)
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing position of hand
Lead straight up and down before stepping in
Pin must be done with both knees down, standing on toes
Koyu Dosa
Body enters straight in and elbow drops down
Pin uke with ki, standing on toes
Taigi #6 - Ushirotekubidori - 71 seconds
Ushirodori Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Both arms up the moment uke makes contact
Look in the direction ki leads after throwing
Ushirotekubidori Kokyunage (Uragaeshi - inside out)
Use vertical rhythm
Raised hand pauses calmly
Bring both arms back after throwing
Ushirotekubidori Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Use vertical rhythm
Reverse both hands when arms reach the top
Go down from one point bowing head while throwing
Ushirotekubidori Koteoroshi (Hantai tenkan)
Hantai tenkan - reverse tenkan the moment uke's ki comes
Fully extend arm when turning
Execute koteoroshi immediately
Ushirotekubidori Ikkyo
Use vertical rhythm
Place free hand lightly over the elbow
Pin must be done with both hands down and sitting on toes
Ushirotekubidori Sankyonage
Use vertical rhythm
Take sankyo when the hands reach to top
Bring fingertips of hand down, swing fully upwards
Throw forward, keeping sankyo hold
Taigi #7 - Munetsuki Keri - 66 seconds
Kokyunage (Michibikigaeshi - lead back and return)
When ki moves, fingertips point at uke's fist
Turn palm down and point back, cut uke¹s neck with two fingers without touching
Look straight forward with seishi after cut
Ikkyo (Hantai tenkan)
Step back with hantai tenkan, hold uke's thrusting hand down with tegatana
Hold uke's fist lightly and bring it back in the direction of uke's face, drop straight down, then step in forward
Look straight forward with seishi after cut
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Skip back
Use up and down motion to execute throw
Face the direction of the throw and seishi
Kokyunage (Irimi) Keri - front kick
Chop at uke's front kick with tegatana (tegatana must be parallel with mat)
Strike uke's face with back of hand
Moment of strike, draw the hand back to chest
Kokyunage (Ashidori) Keri - low roundhouse kick
Maintain hanmi, bend wrist to keep little finger outside
Catch uke's foot without changing the position of the hand
Use one hand to throw
Koteoroshi (Nageppanashi - throw away)
Lead uke's thrusting ki without blocking
Face the direction of the throw
Open the body by taking two sliding steps to make a large throw
Taigi #8 - Ryotedori - 50 seconds
Kokyunage (Tenchinage Irimi)
Bring elbow straight down with leading hand (step in to side of uke's front leg)
Bring leading hand straight up, other hand points down
Drop down straight from fingertips to throw
Kokyunage (Tenchinage Tenkan)
Bring elbow straight down with leading hand after tenkan (take one step back)
Bring leading hand straight up, other hand points down
Drop down straight from fingertips to throw
Kokyunage (Hakucho no Mizuumi - "Swan Lake")
Bring uke up
Drop arm like udemawashi
When arms drop, go down from one point with head bent down
Touch mat with back of hands
Kokyunage (Dojyo Sukui)
Use hands with koteoroshi form
Move elbow up and down, seishi with sayuwaza form to throw
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
The moment uke comes to catch, lead uke up
Take uke's hand with yonkyo
Must face the direction of throw
Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Change direction of ki at the moment uke comes to catch
Face the direction of the lead
After kirikaeshi, drop straight down to throw
Taigi #9 - Shomenuchi - 67 seconds
Ikkyo (Irimi)
Bring uke's tegatana in
Slide straight up, then straight down
Step in after arms are down
Pin must be done with both knees down and sitting on toes
Ikkyo (Tenkan)
Step straight behind uke when ki moves
Bring arms straight down and pin (lead from hand holding wrist, hand on elbow holds lightly)
Kokyunage Irimi
When ki moves, enter straight behind uke
Raise both arms
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Do not block opponent's ki
Take uke's tegatana from top lightly
Bring arm straight down, lead straight up and down
Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Bring front leg back
Take uke's tegatana from above lightly
Bring arm straight down, lead straight up and down
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Skipping back
Throw with up and down motion
Face the direction of the throw
Taigi #10 - Katadori Shomenuchi - 65 seconds
Kokyunage Irimi
The moment uke comes to catch shoulder, take a large step in with hamni posture
Slide up uke's face with tegatana
Erect posture at the end of the throw
Kokyunage En Undo
Extend ki from fingertips
Point fingertips in the direction of the lead and down
One hand touches uke's neck
Keep one point while throwing
Kokyunage (Hachinoji)
Lead uke's hand down with front hand and take ma-ai
Leap in straight behind uke
Bring arm straight down, straight up and down
Extend ki from the fingertips
The hand taking nikyo and uke's hand should go down together
Pin with both knees down, standing on toes
Sankyo (Uragaeshi)
Keep leading hand stretched, free hand catches uke's fingertips
Enter fully with irimi
Keep takin up slack in ki with sankyo to throw
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
The moment uke strikes, slide up to uke's face to draw uke's ki out
Skip forward in the direction of ki and throw
Taigi #11 - Katatedori - 56 seconds
Kokyunage (Irimi)
Little finger of nage's held wrist must point straight up
Nage's body must enter straight ahead (Irimi)
The throwing arm must pause calmly (Seishi) after throw
Kokyunage (Irimi)
When the held arm is raised, the free arm takes hold
Let go of uke's hand when the arm is dropped
Bring arms straight down, up and down
Kosadori Kokyunage
Do not pull ki
Enter straight behind uke
Raise both arms
The throw is performed with a vertical rhythm
Kosadori Kokyunage (Makikaeshi)
Bend the fingers in towards uke's wrist (towards the root of the thumb) and drop the hand straight down
The throwing arm must pause calmly (Seishi) after throw
Kosadori Kokyunage (Makikaeshi Nage)
Wrist moves with a vertical rhythm (don't stretch arm)
The throwing arm must pause calmly (Seishi) after the throw
The front foot takes a half-step forward
Kosadori Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Redirect uke's ki iat moment it comes (using vertical rhythm)
Face the direction of leading
After reversing uke's direction, drop arm straight down
Taigi #12 - Katatedori Ryotemochi - 66 seconds
Kokyunage (Irimi)
Drop elbow down in order to lead uke's ki
Enter irimi from your fingertips
After the throw, the hand stops as it is
Kokyunage (Tenkan)
Turn completely (180 degrees) to face the same direction as uke without moving the shoulder, but turn the head
After completing one turn, the back of the held had lightly brushes the mat in order to lead uke's ki
Raise both arms and throw uke down with ki and stop
Raise both arms together
Take uke's hand at the lowest point
Lead uke's wrist to the shoulder using a vertical rhythm, while raising free hand fully and sending ki to apply nikyo
Lead behind uke, leading tenkan and pin
Ikkyo (Kirikaeshi)
After completely reversing uke's direction, drop arm straight down
Skip forward
Pin must be done with both knees down, standing on toes
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Leading hand must move in the same direction in which uke moves
Skip forward and complete throw with body movement
Kokyunage (Ball Nage)
Relax completely when uke's ki comes
Use balde of hand to make the throw
After the throw, hand returns to natural position (do not strike a pose)
Taigi #13 - Yokomenuchi - 61 seconds
Kokyunage (Irimi)
Enter immediately (on the "N" of "Now")
Lead opponent's arm from the shoulder
Erect posture at the end of the throw
Kokyunage (Jujinage)
Enter immediately (on the "N" of "Now")
Enter straight in a hanmi posture
Bring arms straight down, and straight up and down
Kokyunage (Atemi)
Enter straight into uke's chest, one hand protects face
Fist contacts uke's lower abdomen
Thrust forward with a turning fist
Shihonage (Irimi Tobikimi)
Leap in front of uke until uke and nage change places completely
Enter passing closely in front of uke
Turn completely to the point where uke falls
Koteoroshi (En undo)
One hand protects face when nage enters
Drop uke's wrist down as uke's wrist rolls in
Lead arm straight up and down to throw
Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Step back in the direction of uke's ki and seishi
Swing back the uke's arm, enter close with hanmi to uke's armpit
Skip forward to throw
Taigi #14 - Katadori - 85 seconds
Ikkyo (Tenkan)
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing the position of hand
Lead arm straight up and down (elbow hand holds lightly)
Enter straight down behin uke and pin
Nikyo (Irimi)
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing the position of hand
Using a vertical rhythm, lead uke's hand to shoulder while raising the free hand fully and sending ki to apply nikyo
Leap behind uke leading tenkan and pin
Sankyo (Tenkan)
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing the position of hand
After taking sankyo, when lowing arm, the inside hand must be placed on elbow while leading arm down from fingertips
Pin is made standing with the hand which applied sankyo
Yonkyo (Irimi)
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing the position of hand
The forefinger of the hand applying yonkyo must be extended straight and applied perpendicularly
Pin by applying yonkyo in the position where uke falls
Kokyunage (Ushiromuki)
Turn on the spot where the shoulder is grabbed
Both arms move down between legs
At the end, arms come down calmly (without colliding)
Kokyunage (Ushiromaki Kirikaette Yokomenuchi)
Lead uke's kii down
When standing up, put one hand on uke's elbow
Throw uke with yokomenuchi movement
Taigi #15 - "Middle School Students" - 89 seconds
Shomenuchi Ikkyo
Bring uke's tegatana in
Slide straight up, then straight down, step in after arms are down
Pin must be done with both knees down and sitting on toes
Yokomenuchi Kokyunage (Hachinoji)
Step back in the direction of ki, after catching uke's hand, both arms open and comfortably stretched
Leap straight behind uke, both arms up
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Skip back
Use up and down motion to execute throw
Face the direction of the throw and seishi
Katatori Nikyo (Irimi)
Brush uke's hand down, and take ma-ai without changing position of hand
Using up and down rhythm, lead uke's hand to shoulder while raising free hand fully and sending ki to apply nikyo
Lead behind uke leading tenkan and pin
Ushirodori Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Both arms up the moment uke makes contact
Look in the direction ki leads after throwing
Ushirotekubidori (Sankyonage)
Use vertical rhythm
Take sankyo when the hands reach the top
Bring fingertips of hand down, swing fully upwards
Throw forward keeping sankyo hold
Taigi #16 - Zagi - 60 seconds
Shomenuchi Ikkyo Irimi
Bring uke's tegatana in
Slide straight up and drop straight down
Pin with shikko (knee walk)
Shomenuchi Tenkan
Step straight behind uke when ki moves
Bring arms straight down and hold (lead from hand holding wrist, hand on elbow holds lightly)
Pin with shikko
Katatori Shomenuchi
Enter stright, slide up and over uke's head with tegatana
Thrust solar plexus with free hand in a fist
Erect posture at the end of throw
Shomenuchi Kokyunage
Both hands up
Bring arms straight up until uke hits the mat
Bring arms straight up and straight down
Seishi when pinning
Munetsuki Koteoroshi (Katameru)
Lead uke's thrusting ki without blocking
Bring arm straight up and straight down
Seishi when pinning
Yokomenuchi Kokyunage
Step in forward with one knee
Both arms up and throw
Erect posture when finishing throw
Taigi #17 - Zagi Handachi - 54 seconds
Katatedori Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Lead uke's hand down to knee when uke comes to grab
Bring arm straight up and straight down
Erect posture at the end of the throw
Katatedori Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Change the direction of ki at the moment uke's ki comes (down and up movement)
Face the direction of the lead
Erect posture at the end of the throw
Shomenuchi Kokyunage
Both arms up
Bring arms straight down until uke hits the mat
Bring arms straight up and straight down
Seishi when pinning
Ushirokatadori Kokyunage
Lead uke's ki
Bring arm straight down, straight up, and straight down
Munetsuki Koteoroshi
Lead uke's thrusting ki without blocking
Bring arm straight down, straight up, and straight down
Seishi when pinning
Yokomenuchi kokyunage
Bring one knee back
Both arms up, then throw
Erect posture at the end of the throw
Taigi #18 - Ushiro Waza - 72 seconds
Kokyunage (Hagaijime - holding elbows)
Drop head and bend upper body forward
Draw one arm free
Jump in behind uke
Move with vertical rhythm
Ushiro Katadori Kokyunage (Hikoki "Airplane" Nage)
Extend both arms out to lead
Turn suddenly
At the instant of turning, both arms come down together
Ushiro Katadori Kokyunage (Suikomi)
Extend both arms out to lead
Throw both hands between legs
Stand up and throw uke by raising both hands up
Ushiro Katadori Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Extend both arms out to lead
Move down from one point, lower head with fists on mat
Katatedori Kubishime (Uragaeshi)
Use a vertical rhythm to throw
Place the other hand on the elbow to lead
After throw, stay calm
Ushiro Katatedori Kubishime (Zenponage)
Direct the little finger side outside under uke's armpit
Lead and throw with a vertical rhythm
Taigi #19 - Munetsuki - 52 seconds
Kokyunage (Uchiwanage)
Lead ki from uke's shoulder
Cut uke's neck without touching
After throw, seishi looking straight forward
Kokyunage (Zenponage kubiuchi)
The moment uke strikes, enter irimi to other side
Strike back of neck with ki using blade of the hand, and face the direction of uke
Draw back your hand
Kokyunage (Uchiwanage menuchi)
Lead ki from uke's shoulder
Hit uke's face with knuckle
The moment of hit, draw back hand to chest
Kokyunage (Irimi sudori)
Keep ki (face) forward until uke strikes
Sense and enter at moment uke's ki moves
Stand up after throw looking at uke
Kokyunage (Shomenuchi)
Lead uke's ki upward by raising fingertips straight up
The body itself does not move, hit uke's face
Draw back hand above head
Kokyunage (Hantai tenkan)
Do not hold uke's hand but touch lightly with tagatana while doing hantai tenkan
Lead uke's hand, jump behind uke
Throw by leading straight down
Taigi #20 - Niningake, Sanningake, Randori - 52 seconds
Kokyunage Zenponage (Once)
Lead in from elbows in direction of uke's grip
Move forward from one point (don¹t think hands)
After throw, seishi
Kokyunage Senaka-awase (Once)
Lead in from elbows in direction of uke's grip
Make en undo movement with elbows fully bent
Make ukes line up and throw them
Kokyunage (Seiretsu)
Enter from the hips
Take a big step back to the same direction
Make ukes line up and throw them
Extend ki forward while moving back
Lead as if holding a ball
Swing both arms over the head
Turn fully before dropping arms down
Kokyunage (Seiretsu)
Lower head as you turn
Throw with a vertical motion, standing in the same position
Do not grab or be grabbed
Keep one point
Nage finishes with command of "Hai" andhold ukes back with ki
Taigi #21 - Tantodori - 131 seconds
Shomenuchi (Koteoroshi)
Take uke's hand lightly from above, use up and down motion, execute koteoroshi
Take tanto away at the moment of contact, complete follow-through with tanto behind body in a ready position
Shomenuchi (Kokyunage)
When uke's ki moves, step straight behind uke, use up and down motion to throw
Step around uke and complete a full turn
Sakatemochi Yokomenuchi Irimi (Gokyo)
Enter at the "N" of "Now," lead from uke's shoulder
Without moving position of uke's hand, enter behind; drop straight down and pin
Sakatemochi Kokyunage
Enter at the "N" of "Now," lead from uke's shoulder
Erect posture at the end of the throw
Yokomenuchi Shihonage
Take tanto away with the hand closest to uke at the moment of the throw
Munetsuki Koteoroshi
Lead uke's thrusting ki without blocking, using up and down motion, execute koteoroshi
Take tanto away at the moment of contact, complete follow through with tanto behind body in a ready position
Munetsuki Ikkyo (Irimi)
Hantai tenkan, hold uke's thrusting hand down, use up and down motion to throw
After pinning uke, take tanto away and hold to the side
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Skip back, use up and down motion to throw
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Hijiuchi menuchi)
Chop uke's thrusting ki down with tegatana
Bring hand back to chest at the moment uke's face is struck with the back of the hand
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Kaitenage)
Hold uke's thrust with both hands
Take tanto away, use tanto at the back of the next to keep uke's head down, then throw
Taigi #22 - Tachitori - 106 seconds
Shomenuchi Irimi Sudori Kokyunagee
Enter straight and throw uke with up and down motion
Keep bokken calm when immobilizing uke
Shomenuchi Koteoroshi (right side only)
Hold uke's hand lightly and execute koteoroshi with up and down motion
Take bokken away instantly and have a ready posture with the bokken pointed back
Shomenuchi Irimidore (left side only)
Cut with tegatana from uke's face down to the space between uke's hands on the bokken
After the throw, keep upper body erect
Yokomenuchi Irimi
Enter straight in hanmi
After the throw, keep upper body erect
Yokomenuchi Shihonage (left side only)
Lead bokken down avoiding cutting legs
Take bokken away instantly and have a ready posture with the bokken pointed back
Munetsuki Koteoroshi (right side only)
Lead uke's thrusting ki without stopping it and throw with koteoroshi in an up and down motion
Take bokken away instantly and have a ready posture with the bokken pointed back
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Throw with vertical movement, avoid being cut by bokken
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Irimi Sudori)
Look straight forward
Jump into uke's feet the moment ki comes
After the throw, stand up looking at uke
Douchi Kokyunage
Enter straight and throw with vertical rhythm
Yokobarai Kokyunage
Enter at the moment the bokken points at nage
Taigi #23 - Jodori - 124 seconds
Shomenuchi Irimi Sudori Kokyunage
Enter straight and throw uke with up and down motion
Keep jo calm when immobilizing uke
Shomenuchi Koteoroshi (right side only)
Hold uke's hand lightly and execute koteoroshi with up and down motion
Take jo away instantly and have a ready posture with the jo pointed back
Shomenuchi Irimidore (left side only)
Cut with tegatana from uke's face down to the space between uke's hands on the bokken
After the throw, keep upper body erect
Yokomenuchi Shihonage (left side only)
Lead jo down avoiding cutting legs
Take away jo with left hand above the uke's hands and throw
Yokomenuchi Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Catch the jo while you step back
Throw uke by hitting his back in the direction of his ki
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Tsukikaeshi)
Hold jo loosely so that the uke's tsuki remains straight
The moment uke's tsuki stops, change the direction of jo upward and throw
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Lead jo upward without changing the direction of tsuki
Take a step and throw
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Hold jo and tenkan
Execute kirikaeshi and throw uke by pointing jo toward uke's face
Douchi Kokyunage
Enter straight and throw with and up and down rhythm
Yokobarai Kokyunage
Enter at the moment the jo points at nage
Taigi #24 - Jonage - 68 seconds
Throw uke with vertical movement without disturbing uke's ki
Seishi at the end of throw
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Lead jo upward without disturbing uke's ki
Throw and seishi
Sakatemochi Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Lead jo upward without disturbing uke's ki
Throw and seishi
Point jo straight up
The moment jo points up, pass through and throw straight down, seishi
Push jo forward the moment uke tries to hold it
Move the end of jo straight down toward uke's face and seishi
Turn jo in a small circle inside uke's hand
Throw uke straight down and seishi
Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Lead uke forward
The movement uke passes, execute kirikaeshi and point jo up
Throw uke forward with a step and seishi
Kokyunage (Ashisukui)
Lead uke's ki straight forward
Move the end of jo in a big circle to the back of uke's knees
Throw by swinging jo upward and seishi
Combined time for 25 & 26 is 44 seconds. Taigi #25 - Kengi Dai Ichi - 27 seconds
Hold bokken horizontally with left hand, blade underside
Sit seiza, put bokken down and bow without putting left hand on knee
Hold bokken with seigan no kamae by moving left foot back
Left hand must hold the end of bokken
Count in Japanese in harmony with bokken movements
Tip of bokken should stay calm
Counts 1, 3, 5 & 7 should be done by swinging up from the tip of bokken and by swinging down from one point
Counts 2, 4, 6 & 8 should be done by thrusting with whole body without bending upper body
Bokken should be horizontal with tsuki
Counts 9 and 12 should be done by swinging down from above head and by using the weight of bokken
Turn one and half times
The arm and bokken should be horizontal when turning
After turning, swing up bokken and stay calm with left foot forward
Swing down bokken calmly while stepping back into seigan no kamae
Nage must finish exactly where they started
Hold bokken horizontally with left hand keeping the blade underside
Sit seiza, put bokken down at left side and bow without putting left hand on knee
Stand up, turn to the right and walk out
Taigi #26 - Kengi Daini - 29 seconds
Hold bokken horizontally with left hand, blade underside
Sit seiza, put bokken down and bow without putting left hand on knee
Hold bokken with seigan no kamae by moving left foot back
Left hand must hold the end of bokken
Count in Japanese in harmony with bokken movements
Tip of bokken should stay calm
First movement steps with right foot forward and cuts to the left
Counts 5 & 7 should be done swinging bokken down with one point
Counts 6 & 8 should be done with tsuki with the whole body without bending the upper body
The bokken should stay horizontal in tsuki
Counts 9 & 10 should be big and rhythmical
Turn with arm and bokken horizontal
After turning, stop with bokken up
Swing down bokken calmly while stepping back into seigan no kamae
Nage must finish exactly where they started
Hold bokken horizontally with left hand keeping the blade underside
Sit seiza, put bokken down at left side and bow without putting left hand on knee
Stand up, turn to the right and walk out
Combined time for 27 & 28 is 66 seconds. Taigi #27 - Jogi Dai Ichi - 38 seconds
Hold jo in left armpit and keep it calm
Sit seiza, put jo down at left side and bow without putting hands on knees
Take sankaku no kamae (triangle kamae) by moving right foot back
Hold jo lightly
One hand should always hold one end of the jo
One hand should hold jo when changing holds
Count in Japanese according to jo movement
Move big, relaxed and with rhythm
After tsuki, keep upper body erect; there should be no space between right arm and armpit
After tsuki, draw right foot to the left foot
After tsuki, pull up the jo and above head and step back to the right
At count 9, pull right foot to the front left
On counts 13 & 17, strike tsuki back after hitting down
In the end, at 1 again, finish with seishi
Nage must finish exactly where they started
Sit seiza, put jo down at left side and bow without putting hands on knees
Keep jo in left armpit calmly
Stand up, turn to the right and walk out
Taigi #28 - Jogi Daini - 40 seconds
Hold jo in left armpit and keep it calm
Sit seiza, put jo down at left side and bow without putting hands on knees
Take sankaku no kamae (triangle kamae) by moving right foot back
Hold jo lightly
One hand should always hold one end of the jo
One hand should hold jo when changing holds
Count in Japanese according to jo movement
Move big, relaxed and with rhythm
After tsuki, keep upper body erect; there should be no space between right arm and armpit
From count 12 to 14, look in the direction of tsuki; jo should be horizontal
At count 16, keep arm and jo horizontal
After turning, swing jo above head
On count 17, sweep up jo from lower right to upper left
In the end, at 1 again, finish with seishi
Nage must finish exactly where they started
Sit seiza, put jo down at left side and bow without putting hands on knees
Keep jo in left armpit calmly
Stand up, turn to the right and walk out
Shomenuchi Kokyunage
When ki moves, enter straight behind uke
Raise both arms
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Yokomenuchi Shihonage
Step back in the direction of uke's ki
Enter passing closely in front of uke
Turn completely to the point where uke naturally falls
Munetsuki Koteoroshi (Katameru)
Lead ki without blocking it
Bring arm straight down, lead straight up and down
Place free hand over elbow, roll uke over and pin
Katatedori Tenkan Ikkyo
Extend ki from fingertips (curl fingers, not wrist)
Take ikkyo at the lowest point in the arc
Bring arm straight up and down, pin (place free hand lightly over elbow, other hand leads uke)
Katadori Nikyo (Irimi)
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing position of hand
Using an up and down rhythm, lead uke's hand to shoulder, while raising free hand fully and sending ki to apply nikyo
Leap behind uke leading tenkan and pin
Ushiro-tekubidori Sankyo (Katameru)
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing position of hand
Take sankyo when the hands reach the top
Bring uke's fingertips down, placing free hand on elbow, lead in the direction of ki and pin
Taigi #1 - Katatetori - 65 seconds
Kokyunage ("Onshi no gyoi" = "Holding the Emperor's Clothes")
Extend ki from fingertips
Bring arm down straight from the elbow
Bring arms up straight
Drop arms down straight and seishi (pause calmly) in sayuwaza from
Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Change direction of ki at the moment uke's ki comes (up and down motion)
Face in the direction of the lead
After kirikaeshi, drop straight down to throw
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Take a large hop forward (draw back foot to the front foot)
Nage must face the direction of the throw
Kokyunage (Kaitenage)
Change direction of ki at the moment uke's ki comes (up and down motion)
Place the free hand on uke's head as it goes down
Do not step through
Extend ki from fingertips
Take uke's hand without stopping his ki
Turn completely to the point where uke naturally falls
Extend ki from fingertips
Take ikkyo at the lowest point in the arc
Lead arm straight up and down (lead from the hand holding the wrist, hand on the elbow holds lightly)
Taigi #2 - Katatetori Ryotemochi - 71 seconds
Kokyunage (Tobikomi - leaping forward)
Extend ki from fingertips
Raise both arms
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Kokyunage (En undo)
Extend ki from fingertips
Point fingertips in the direction of the lead
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Kokyunage (Hachinoji - figure eight)
After doing tenkan, seishi
Leap in behind opponent completely, raise both arms
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Extend ki from fingertips
Bring arm straight up at the moment ki comes
Drop arm straight down to throw
Extend ki from fingertips
Bring fingertips up completely and bring them straight down
Leap behind uke, drop arms straight down, and pin
Extend ki from fingertips
Take hand at the lowest point in the arc
When pinning, one hand must seishi (pause calmly)
Taigi #3 - Yokomenuchi - 49 seconds
Kokyunage (Sudori)
Enter with shoulders parallel to uke's chest
Kokyunage (Bow)
Bow straight down
Koyunage Irimi
Enter straight forward and lead from shoulder
Step back in the direction of uke's ki
Enter passing closely in front of uke
Turn completely to the point where uke naturally falls
Kokyunage (Sudorinage)
Step back in the direction of ki
Strike uke's chin with one hand
Throw in the direction of ki
Kokyunage (Hachinoji - figure eight)
Step back in the direction of ki, both arms open and comfortably stretched
Leap straight behind uke with both arms up
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Taigi #4 - Ryokatatori - 60 seconds
Kokyunage (bow)
When uke's kii comes, bow without moving feet
Bring head down completely
Bring head up completely
Kokyunage (kirikaeshi - bow)
Move from one point
Bring head down completely
Bring head up completely
Kokyunage (bow twice)
Both arms naturally open when you are stepping back while extending ki forward
Bow twice straight (Bring head completely down and up with a "1-2" rhythm)
Bring head up completely
Line of visiion must be straight forward
Catch the moment of uke's ki movement, jump in towards uke's feet with the intention to scoop (opposite side of uke's front foot)
Look towards uke while standing up at the end of throw
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing position of hand
Using up and down rhythm, lead uke's hand to shoulder while raising free hand fully and sending ki to apply nikyo
Leap behind uke, lead with tenkan and pin
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Step back straight
Drop one of uke's arms with tegatana (edge of hand)
Nage must face the direction of the throw
Taigi #5 - "Children's Arts" - 77 seconds
Shomenuchi Kokyunage
When ki moves, enter straight behind opponent
Raise both arms
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Yokomenuchi Shihonage
Step back in the direction of uke's ki
Enter passing closely in front of uke
Turn completely to the point where uke naturally falls
Munetsuki Koteoroshi (Katameru)
Lead uke's ki without blocking it
Bring arms straight down, leading straight up and down
Place free had over elbow, roll uke over and pin
Katatori Ikkyo (Irimi)
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing position of hand
Lead straight up and down before stepping in
Pin must be done with both knees down, standing on toes
Koyu Dosa
Body enters straight in and elbow drops down
Pin uke with ki, standing on toes
Taigi #6 - Ushirotekubidori - 71 seconds
Ushirodori Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Both arms up the moment uke makes contact
Look in the direction ki leads after throwing
Ushirotekubidori Kokyunage (Uragaeshi - inside out)
Use vertical rhythm
Raised hand pauses calmly
Bring both arms back after throwing
Ushirotekubidori Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Use vertical rhythm
Reverse both hands when arms reach the top
Go down from one point bowing head while throwing
Ushirotekubidori Koteoroshi (Hantai tenkan)
Hantai tenkan - reverse tenkan the moment uke's ki comes
Fully extend arm when turning
Execute koteoroshi immediately
Ushirotekubidori Ikkyo
Use vertical rhythm
Place free hand lightly over the elbow
Pin must be done with both hands down and sitting on toes
Ushirotekubidori Sankyonage
Use vertical rhythm
Take sankyo when the hands reach to top
Bring fingertips of hand down, swing fully upwards
Throw forward, keeping sankyo hold
Taigi #7 - Munetsuki Keri - 66 seconds
Kokyunage (Michibikigaeshi - lead back and return)
When ki moves, fingertips point at uke's fist
Turn palm down and point back, cut uke¹s neck with two fingers without touching
Look straight forward with seishi after cut
Ikkyo (Hantai tenkan)
Step back with hantai tenkan, hold uke's thrusting hand down with tegatana
Hold uke's fist lightly and bring it back in the direction of uke's face, drop straight down, then step in forward
Look straight forward with seishi after cut
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Skip back
Use up and down motion to execute throw
Face the direction of the throw and seishi
Kokyunage (Irimi) Keri - front kick
Chop at uke's front kick with tegatana (tegatana must be parallel with mat)
Strike uke's face with back of hand
Moment of strike, draw the hand back to chest
Kokyunage (Ashidori) Keri - low roundhouse kick
Maintain hanmi, bend wrist to keep little finger outside
Catch uke's foot without changing the position of the hand
Use one hand to throw
Koteoroshi (Nageppanashi - throw away)
Lead uke's thrusting ki without blocking
Face the direction of the throw
Open the body by taking two sliding steps to make a large throw
Taigi #8 - Ryotedori - 50 seconds
Kokyunage (Tenchinage Irimi)
Bring elbow straight down with leading hand (step in to side of uke's front leg)
Bring leading hand straight up, other hand points down
Drop down straight from fingertips to throw
Kokyunage (Tenchinage Tenkan)
Bring elbow straight down with leading hand after tenkan (take one step back)
Bring leading hand straight up, other hand points down
Drop down straight from fingertips to throw
Kokyunage (Hakucho no Mizuumi - "Swan Lake")
Bring uke up
Drop arm like udemawashi
When arms drop, go down from one point with head bent down
Touch mat with back of hands
Kokyunage (Dojyo Sukui)
Use hands with koteoroshi form
Move elbow up and down, seishi with sayuwaza form to throw
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
The moment uke comes to catch, lead uke up
Take uke's hand with yonkyo
Must face the direction of throw
Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Change direction of ki at the moment uke comes to catch
Face the direction of the lead
After kirikaeshi, drop straight down to throw
Taigi #9 - Shomenuchi - 67 seconds
Ikkyo (Irimi)
Bring uke's tegatana in
Slide straight up, then straight down
Step in after arms are down
Pin must be done with both knees down and sitting on toes
Ikkyo (Tenkan)
Step straight behind uke when ki moves
Bring arms straight down and pin (lead from hand holding wrist, hand on elbow holds lightly)
Kokyunage Irimi
When ki moves, enter straight behind uke
Raise both arms
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Do not block opponent's ki
Take uke's tegatana from top lightly
Bring arm straight down, lead straight up and down
Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Bring front leg back
Take uke's tegatana from above lightly
Bring arm straight down, lead straight up and down
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Skipping back
Throw with up and down motion
Face the direction of the throw
Taigi #10 - Katadori Shomenuchi - 65 seconds
Kokyunage Irimi
The moment uke comes to catch shoulder, take a large step in with hamni posture
Slide up uke's face with tegatana
Erect posture at the end of the throw
Kokyunage En Undo
Extend ki from fingertips
Point fingertips in the direction of the lead and down
One hand touches uke's neck
Keep one point while throwing
Kokyunage (Hachinoji)
Lead uke's hand down with front hand and take ma-ai
Leap in straight behind uke
Bring arm straight down, straight up and down
Extend ki from the fingertips
The hand taking nikyo and uke's hand should go down together
Pin with both knees down, standing on toes
Sankyo (Uragaeshi)
Keep leading hand stretched, free hand catches uke's fingertips
Enter fully with irimi
Keep takin up slack in ki with sankyo to throw
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
The moment uke strikes, slide up to uke's face to draw uke's ki out
Skip forward in the direction of ki and throw
Taigi #11 - Katatedori - 56 seconds
Kokyunage (Irimi)
Little finger of nage's held wrist must point straight up
Nage's body must enter straight ahead (Irimi)
The throwing arm must pause calmly (Seishi) after throw
Kokyunage (Irimi)
When the held arm is raised, the free arm takes hold
Let go of uke's hand when the arm is dropped
Bring arms straight down, up and down
Kosadori Kokyunage
Do not pull ki
Enter straight behind uke
Raise both arms
The throw is performed with a vertical rhythm
Kosadori Kokyunage (Makikaeshi)
Bend the fingers in towards uke's wrist (towards the root of the thumb) and drop the hand straight down
The throwing arm must pause calmly (Seishi) after throw
Kosadori Kokyunage (Makikaeshi Nage)
Wrist moves with a vertical rhythm (don't stretch arm)
The throwing arm must pause calmly (Seishi) after the throw
The front foot takes a half-step forward
Kosadori Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Redirect uke's ki iat moment it comes (using vertical rhythm)
Face the direction of leading
After reversing uke's direction, drop arm straight down
Taigi #12 - Katatedori Ryotemochi - 66 seconds
Kokyunage (Irimi)
Drop elbow down in order to lead uke's ki
Enter irimi from your fingertips
After the throw, the hand stops as it is
Kokyunage (Tenkan)
Turn completely (180 degrees) to face the same direction as uke without moving the shoulder, but turn the head
After completing one turn, the back of the held had lightly brushes the mat in order to lead uke's ki
Raise both arms and throw uke down with ki and stop
Raise both arms together
Take uke's hand at the lowest point
Lead uke's wrist to the shoulder using a vertical rhythm, while raising free hand fully and sending ki to apply nikyo
Lead behind uke, leading tenkan and pin
Ikkyo (Kirikaeshi)
After completely reversing uke's direction, drop arm straight down
Skip forward
Pin must be done with both knees down, standing on toes
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Leading hand must move in the same direction in which uke moves
Skip forward and complete throw with body movement
Kokyunage (Ball Nage)
Relax completely when uke's ki comes
Use balde of hand to make the throw
After the throw, hand returns to natural position (do not strike a pose)
Taigi #13 - Yokomenuchi - 61 seconds
Kokyunage (Irimi)
Enter immediately (on the "N" of "Now")
Lead opponent's arm from the shoulder
Erect posture at the end of the throw
Kokyunage (Jujinage)
Enter immediately (on the "N" of "Now")
Enter straight in a hanmi posture
Bring arms straight down, and straight up and down
Kokyunage (Atemi)
Enter straight into uke's chest, one hand protects face
Fist contacts uke's lower abdomen
Thrust forward with a turning fist
Shihonage (Irimi Tobikimi)
Leap in front of uke until uke and nage change places completely
Enter passing closely in front of uke
Turn completely to the point where uke falls
Koteoroshi (En undo)
One hand protects face when nage enters
Drop uke's wrist down as uke's wrist rolls in
Lead arm straight up and down to throw
Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Step back in the direction of uke's ki and seishi
Swing back the uke's arm, enter close with hanmi to uke's armpit
Skip forward to throw
Taigi #14 - Katadori - 85 seconds
Ikkyo (Tenkan)
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing the position of hand
Lead arm straight up and down (elbow hand holds lightly)
Enter straight down behin uke and pin
Nikyo (Irimi)
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing the position of hand
Using a vertical rhythm, lead uke's hand to shoulder while raising the free hand fully and sending ki to apply nikyo
Leap behind uke leading tenkan and pin
Sankyo (Tenkan)
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing the position of hand
After taking sankyo, when lowing arm, the inside hand must be placed on elbow while leading arm down from fingertips
Pin is made standing with the hand which applied sankyo
Yonkyo (Irimi)
Brush uke's hand down and take ma-ai without changing the position of hand
The forefinger of the hand applying yonkyo must be extended straight and applied perpendicularly
Pin by applying yonkyo in the position where uke falls
Kokyunage (Ushiromuki)
Turn on the spot where the shoulder is grabbed
Both arms move down between legs
At the end, arms come down calmly (without colliding)
Kokyunage (Ushiromaki Kirikaette Yokomenuchi)
Lead uke's kii down
When standing up, put one hand on uke's elbow
Throw uke with yokomenuchi movement
Taigi #15 - "Middle School Students" - 89 seconds
Shomenuchi Ikkyo
Bring uke's tegatana in
Slide straight up, then straight down, step in after arms are down
Pin must be done with both knees down and sitting on toes
Yokomenuchi Kokyunage (Hachinoji)
Step back in the direction of ki, after catching uke's hand, both arms open and comfortably stretched
Leap straight behind uke, both arms up
Bring arms straight down, lead straight up and down
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Skip back
Use up and down motion to execute throw
Face the direction of the throw and seishi
Katatori Nikyo (Irimi)
Brush uke's hand down, and take ma-ai without changing position of hand
Using up and down rhythm, lead uke's hand to shoulder while raising free hand fully and sending ki to apply nikyo
Lead behind uke leading tenkan and pin
Ushirodori Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Both arms up the moment uke makes contact
Look in the direction ki leads after throwing
Ushirotekubidori (Sankyonage)
Use vertical rhythm
Take sankyo when the hands reach the top
Bring fingertips of hand down, swing fully upwards
Throw forward keeping sankyo hold
Taigi #16 - Zagi - 60 seconds
Shomenuchi Ikkyo Irimi
Bring uke's tegatana in
Slide straight up and drop straight down
Pin with shikko (knee walk)
Shomenuchi Tenkan
Step straight behind uke when ki moves
Bring arms straight down and hold (lead from hand holding wrist, hand on elbow holds lightly)
Pin with shikko
Katatori Shomenuchi
Enter stright, slide up and over uke's head with tegatana
Thrust solar plexus with free hand in a fist
Erect posture at the end of throw
Shomenuchi Kokyunage
Both hands up
Bring arms straight up until uke hits the mat
Bring arms straight up and straight down
Seishi when pinning
Munetsuki Koteoroshi (Katameru)
Lead uke's thrusting ki without blocking
Bring arm straight up and straight down
Seishi when pinning
Yokomenuchi Kokyunage
Step in forward with one knee
Both arms up and throw
Erect posture when finishing throw
Taigi #17 - Zagi Handachi - 54 seconds
Katatedori Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Lead uke's hand down to knee when uke comes to grab
Bring arm straight up and straight down
Erect posture at the end of the throw
Katatedori Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Change the direction of ki at the moment uke's ki comes (down and up movement)
Face the direction of the lead
Erect posture at the end of the throw
Shomenuchi Kokyunage
Both arms up
Bring arms straight down until uke hits the mat
Bring arms straight up and straight down
Seishi when pinning
Ushirokatadori Kokyunage
Lead uke's ki
Bring arm straight down, straight up, and straight down
Munetsuki Koteoroshi
Lead uke's thrusting ki without blocking
Bring arm straight down, straight up, and straight down
Seishi when pinning
Yokomenuchi kokyunage
Bring one knee back
Both arms up, then throw
Erect posture at the end of the throw
Taigi #18 - Ushiro Waza - 72 seconds
Kokyunage (Hagaijime - holding elbows)
Drop head and bend upper body forward
Draw one arm free
Jump in behind uke
Move with vertical rhythm
Ushiro Katadori Kokyunage (Hikoki "Airplane" Nage)
Extend both arms out to lead
Turn suddenly
At the instant of turning, both arms come down together
Ushiro Katadori Kokyunage (Suikomi)
Extend both arms out to lead
Throw both hands between legs
Stand up and throw uke by raising both hands up
Ushiro Katadori Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Extend both arms out to lead
Move down from one point, lower head with fists on mat
Katatedori Kubishime (Uragaeshi)
Use a vertical rhythm to throw
Place the other hand on the elbow to lead
After throw, stay calm
Ushiro Katatedori Kubishime (Zenponage)
Direct the little finger side outside under uke's armpit
Lead and throw with a vertical rhythm
Taigi #19 - Munetsuki - 52 seconds
Kokyunage (Uchiwanage)
Lead ki from uke's shoulder
Cut uke's neck without touching
After throw, seishi looking straight forward
Kokyunage (Zenponage kubiuchi)
The moment uke strikes, enter irimi to other side
Strike back of neck with ki using blade of the hand, and face the direction of uke
Draw back your hand
Kokyunage (Uchiwanage menuchi)
Lead ki from uke's shoulder
Hit uke's face with knuckle
The moment of hit, draw back hand to chest
Kokyunage (Irimi sudori)
Keep ki (face) forward until uke strikes
Sense and enter at moment uke's ki moves
Stand up after throw looking at uke
Kokyunage (Shomenuchi)
Lead uke's ki upward by raising fingertips straight up
The body itself does not move, hit uke's face
Draw back hand above head
Kokyunage (Hantai tenkan)
Do not hold uke's hand but touch lightly with tagatana while doing hantai tenkan
Lead uke's hand, jump behind uke
Throw by leading straight down
Taigi #20 - Niningake, Sanningake, Randori - 52 seconds
Kokyunage Zenponage (Once)
Lead in from elbows in direction of uke's grip
Move forward from one point (don¹t think hands)
After throw, seishi
Kokyunage Senaka-awase (Once)
Lead in from elbows in direction of uke's grip
Make en undo movement with elbows fully bent
Make ukes line up and throw them
Kokyunage (Seiretsu)
Enter from the hips
Take a big step back to the same direction
Make ukes line up and throw them
Extend ki forward while moving back
Lead as if holding a ball
Swing both arms over the head
Turn fully before dropping arms down
Kokyunage (Seiretsu)
Lower head as you turn
Throw with a vertical motion, standing in the same position
Do not grab or be grabbed
Keep one point
Nage finishes with command of "Hai" andhold ukes back with ki
Taigi #21 - Tantodori - 131 seconds
Shomenuchi (Koteoroshi)
Take uke's hand lightly from above, use up and down motion, execute koteoroshi
Take tanto away at the moment of contact, complete follow-through with tanto behind body in a ready position
Shomenuchi (Kokyunage)
When uke's ki moves, step straight behind uke, use up and down motion to throw
Step around uke and complete a full turn
Sakatemochi Yokomenuchi Irimi (Gokyo)
Enter at the "N" of "Now," lead from uke's shoulder
Without moving position of uke's hand, enter behind; drop straight down and pin
Sakatemochi Kokyunage
Enter at the "N" of "Now," lead from uke's shoulder
Erect posture at the end of the throw
Yokomenuchi Shihonage
Take tanto away with the hand closest to uke at the moment of the throw
Munetsuki Koteoroshi
Lead uke's thrusting ki without blocking, using up and down motion, execute koteoroshi
Take tanto away at the moment of contact, complete follow through with tanto behind body in a ready position
Munetsuki Ikkyo (Irimi)
Hantai tenkan, hold uke's thrusting hand down, use up and down motion to throw
After pinning uke, take tanto away and hold to the side
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Skip back, use up and down motion to throw
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Hijiuchi menuchi)
Chop uke's thrusting ki down with tegatana
Bring hand back to chest at the moment uke's face is struck with the back of the hand
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Kaitenage)
Hold uke's thrust with both hands
Take tanto away, use tanto at the back of the next to keep uke's head down, then throw
Taigi #22 - Tachitori - 106 seconds
Shomenuchi Irimi Sudori Kokyunagee
Enter straight and throw uke with up and down motion
Keep bokken calm when immobilizing uke
Shomenuchi Koteoroshi (right side only)
Hold uke's hand lightly and execute koteoroshi with up and down motion
Take bokken away instantly and have a ready posture with the bokken pointed back
Shomenuchi Irimidore (left side only)
Cut with tegatana from uke's face down to the space between uke's hands on the bokken
After the throw, keep upper body erect
Yokomenuchi Irimi
Enter straight in hanmi
After the throw, keep upper body erect
Yokomenuchi Shihonage (left side only)
Lead bokken down avoiding cutting legs
Take bokken away instantly and have a ready posture with the bokken pointed back
Munetsuki Koteoroshi (right side only)
Lead uke's thrusting ki without stopping it and throw with koteoroshi in an up and down motion
Take bokken away instantly and have a ready posture with the bokken pointed back
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Throw with vertical movement, avoid being cut by bokken
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Irimi Sudori)
Look straight forward
Jump into uke's feet the moment ki comes
After the throw, stand up looking at uke
Douchi Kokyunage
Enter straight and throw with vertical rhythm
Yokobarai Kokyunage
Enter at the moment the bokken points at nage
Taigi #23 - Jodori - 124 seconds
Shomenuchi Irimi Sudori Kokyunage
Enter straight and throw uke with up and down motion
Keep jo calm when immobilizing uke
Shomenuchi Koteoroshi (right side only)
Hold uke's hand lightly and execute koteoroshi with up and down motion
Take jo away instantly and have a ready posture with the jo pointed back
Shomenuchi Irimidore (left side only)
Cut with tegatana from uke's face down to the space between uke's hands on the bokken
After the throw, keep upper body erect
Yokomenuchi Shihonage (left side only)
Lead jo down avoiding cutting legs
Take away jo with left hand above the uke's hands and throw
Yokomenuchi Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Catch the jo while you step back
Throw uke by hitting his back in the direction of his ki
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Tsukikaeshi)
Hold jo loosely so that the uke's tsuki remains straight
The moment uke's tsuki stops, change the direction of jo upward and throw
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Lead jo upward without changing the direction of tsuki
Take a step and throw
Munetsuki Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Hold jo and tenkan
Execute kirikaeshi and throw uke by pointing jo toward uke's face
Douchi Kokyunage
Enter straight and throw with and up and down rhythm
Yokobarai Kokyunage
Enter at the moment the jo points at nage
Taigi #24 - Jonage - 68 seconds
Throw uke with vertical movement without disturbing uke's ki
Seishi at the end of throw
Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Lead jo upward without disturbing uke's ki
Throw and seishi
Sakatemochi Kokyunage (Zenponage)
Lead jo upward without disturbing uke's ki
Throw and seishi
Point jo straight up
The moment jo points up, pass through and throw straight down, seishi
Push jo forward the moment uke tries to hold it
Move the end of jo straight down toward uke's face and seishi
Turn jo in a small circle inside uke's hand
Throw uke straight down and seishi
Kokyunage (Kirikaeshi)
Lead uke forward
The movement uke passes, execute kirikaeshi and point jo up
Throw uke forward with a step and seishi
Kokyunage (Ashisukui)
Lead uke's ki straight forward
Move the end of jo in a big circle to the back of uke's knees
Throw by swinging jo upward and seishi
Combined time for 25 & 26 is 44 seconds. Taigi #25 - Kengi Dai Ichi - 27 seconds
Hold bokken horizontally with left hand, blade underside
Sit seiza, put bokken down and bow without putting left hand on knee
Hold bokken with seigan no kamae by moving left foot back
Left hand must hold the end of bokken
Count in Japanese in harmony with bokken movements
Tip of bokken should stay calm
Counts 1, 3, 5 & 7 should be done by swinging up from the tip of bokken and by swinging down from one point
Counts 2, 4, 6 & 8 should be done by thrusting with whole body without bending upper body
Bokken should be horizontal with tsuki
Counts 9 and 12 should be done by swinging down from above head and by using the weight of bokken
Turn one and half times
The arm and bokken should be horizontal when turning
After turning, swing up bokken and stay calm with left foot forward
Swing down bokken calmly while stepping back into seigan no kamae
Nage must finish exactly where they started
Hold bokken horizontally with left hand keeping the blade underside
Sit seiza, put bokken down at left side and bow without putting left hand on knee
Stand up, turn to the right and walk out
Taigi #26 - Kengi Daini - 29 seconds
Hold bokken horizontally with left hand, blade underside
Sit seiza, put bokken down and bow without putting left hand on knee
Hold bokken with seigan no kamae by moving left foot back
Left hand must hold the end of bokken
Count in Japanese in harmony with bokken movements
Tip of bokken should stay calm
First movement steps with right foot forward and cuts to the left
Counts 5 & 7 should be done swinging bokken down with one point
Counts 6 & 8 should be done with tsuki with the whole body without bending the upper body
The bokken should stay horizontal in tsuki
Counts 9 & 10 should be big and rhythmical
Turn with arm and bokken horizontal
After turning, stop with bokken up
Swing down bokken calmly while stepping back into seigan no kamae
Nage must finish exactly where they started
Hold bokken horizontally with left hand keeping the blade underside
Sit seiza, put bokken down at left side and bow without putting left hand on knee
Stand up, turn to the right and walk out
Combined time for 27 & 28 is 66 seconds. Taigi #27 - Jogi Dai Ichi - 38 seconds
Hold jo in left armpit and keep it calm
Sit seiza, put jo down at left side and bow without putting hands on knees
Take sankaku no kamae (triangle kamae) by moving right foot back
Hold jo lightly
One hand should always hold one end of the jo
One hand should hold jo when changing holds
Count in Japanese according to jo movement
Move big, relaxed and with rhythm
After tsuki, keep upper body erect; there should be no space between right arm and armpit
After tsuki, draw right foot to the left foot
After tsuki, pull up the jo and above head and step back to the right
At count 9, pull right foot to the front left
On counts 13 & 17, strike tsuki back after hitting down
In the end, at 1 again, finish with seishi
Nage must finish exactly where they started
Sit seiza, put jo down at left side and bow without putting hands on knees
Keep jo in left armpit calmly
Stand up, turn to the right and walk out
Taigi #28 - Jogi Daini - 40 seconds
Hold jo in left armpit and keep it calm
Sit seiza, put jo down at left side and bow without putting hands on knees
Take sankaku no kamae (triangle kamae) by moving right foot back
Hold jo lightly
One hand should always hold one end of the jo
One hand should hold jo when changing holds
Count in Japanese according to jo movement
Move big, relaxed and with rhythm
After tsuki, keep upper body erect; there should be no space between right arm and armpit
From count 12 to 14, look in the direction of tsuki; jo should be horizontal
At count 16, keep arm and jo horizontal
After turning, swing jo above head
On count 17, sweep up jo from lower right to upper left
In the end, at 1 again, finish with seishi
Nage must finish exactly where they started
Sit seiza, put jo down at left side and bow without putting hands on knees
Keep jo in left armpit calmly
Stand up, turn to the right and walk out