"O negaishimasu" means "Please Help"
The Northern California Ki Society maintains and supports many worthy projects. From our work with incarcerated men, woman and youths and students in economically depressed communities, to providing useful information to the homeless, the NCKS is kept busy.
There are many ways in which you can support this vital work:
For practicing members:
Pay the maximum monthly membership fees you can afford, on time and consistently.
Arrive early to class and help clean and set up and practice before class to help all students grow and develop.
Assist with kids’ classes
Produce and distribute our posters (available as a download from our web site) to all applicable venues.
Electronically post (and maintain) our information and give recommendations on sites such as Yelp
seek opportunities to expand our programs
As a 501c3 non-profit Corporation, we can accept donations of cash or goods (cars electronics etc.) which in most cases can be used as tax deductions. Many companies will match employee donations or even give outright to non-profits that you support.
You may also have friends willing to donate to a cause you support.
For non practicing members and supporters:
Produce and distribute our posters (available as a download from our web site) to all applicable venues.
Electronically post (and maintain) our information and give recommendations on sites such as Yelp
Seek opportunities to expand our programs
As a 501c3 non-profit Corporation, we can accept donations of cash or goods (cars electronics etc.) which in most cases can be used as tax deductions. Many companies will match employee donations or even give outright to non-profits that you support.
You may also have friends willing to donate to a cause you support.
The Northern California Ki Society maintains and supports many worthy projects. From our work with incarcerated men, woman and youths and students in economically depressed communities, to providing useful information to the homeless, the NCKS is kept busy.
There are many ways in which you can support this vital work:
For practicing members:
Pay the maximum monthly membership fees you can afford, on time and consistently.
Arrive early to class and help clean and set up and practice before class to help all students grow and develop.
Assist with kids’ classes
Produce and distribute our posters (available as a download from our web site) to all applicable venues.
Electronically post (and maintain) our information and give recommendations on sites such as Yelp
seek opportunities to expand our programs
As a 501c3 non-profit Corporation, we can accept donations of cash or goods (cars electronics etc.) which in most cases can be used as tax deductions. Many companies will match employee donations or even give outright to non-profits that you support.
You may also have friends willing to donate to a cause you support.
For non practicing members and supporters:
Produce and distribute our posters (available as a download from our web site) to all applicable venues.
Electronically post (and maintain) our information and give recommendations on sites such as Yelp
Seek opportunities to expand our programs
As a 501c3 non-profit Corporation, we can accept donations of cash or goods (cars electronics etc.) which in most cases can be used as tax deductions. Many companies will match employee donations or even give outright to non-profits that you support.
You may also have friends willing to donate to a cause you support.